6th Grade Social Studies

6th grade Social Studies spent last semester discussing civil rights and how different groups of individuals have received rights over time.  These groups include African Americans, women, Latinos, Asians, children, and the disabled.  Today we take most of these rights for granted but it has taken many years and even decades for minorities to receive certain rights.


We also spent the last several weeks of school looking at money-how much we spend, save, and waste.  Hopefully, the 6th graders will learn to start saving more than they waste.


We ended the year bringing awareness to helping others.  We had a fundraiser for the local animal shelter and also a car wash during school to benefit one of our own classmates.


Mrs. Coker – 6th Grade Social Studies

LMS 8th grade visits Washington D.C.

The 8th grade Washington D.C. trip was a huge success! We squeezed 22 attractions into 4 short days. Our attractions included: The National World War II Memorial, Reagan Building, Ford’s Theatre, Petersen House, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, The White House, Jefferson Memorial, Union Station, Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima Statue), Air Force Memorial, Mount Vernon, International Spy Museum, National Museum of American History, National Air and Space Museum, National Museum of Natural History, United States Naval Academy, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, National Cathedral, Capitol Hill, and the Arlington National Cemetery. This learning experience was one we will never forget!   God Bless America!!

Mrs. Lawrence – Special Education Teacher

Autism Awareness

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disability; signs typically appear during early childhood and affect a person’s ability to communicate, and interact with others. ASD is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a “spectrum condition” that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. There is no known single cause of autism, but increased awareness and early diagnosis/intervention and access to appropriate services/supports lead to significantly improved outcomes. Some of the behaviors associated with autism include delayed learning of language; difficulty making eye contact or holding a conversation; difficulty with executive functioning, which relates to reasoning and planning; narrow, intense interests; poor motor skills’ and sensory sensitivities. Again, a person on the spectrum might follow many of these behaviors or just a few, or many others besides. The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder is applied based on analysis of all behaviors and their severity.

On a nationwide level, the Puzzle Piece symbol reflects the mystery and complexity of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Also, since every puzzle piece is different in some way, a puzzle piece accurately represents the diversity of the individuals affected.


This year during the month of April we had over 20 staff members showing their support for Autism Awareness by wearing their cool t-shirt.


Know the signs: Early identification can change lives

Autism is treatable. Children do not “outgrow” autism, but studies show that early diagnosis and intervention lead to significantly improved outcomes. For more information on developmental milestones

Here are some signs to look for in the children in your life:

  • Lack of or delay in spoken language
  • Repetitive use of language and/or motor mannerisms (e.g., hand-flapping, twirling objects)
  • Little or no eye contact
  • Lack of interest in peer relationships
  • Lack of spontaneous or make-believe play
  • Persistent fixation on parts of objects


Mrs. Pulse – Special Education Teacher